Chambers of commerce offer unprecedented scale and support
The chamber movement is unparalleled in scale with a specific mission to support trade and the capability to engage and support companies at local, national and international level. The UK has one of the largest networks of chambers of commerce with a presence in every UK region and national capital overseas, rivalled in scale only by France, Germany and the US.
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is a member of ICC, has a seat on the ICC United Kingdom Board and represents the ICC at the ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) General Council. All chambers of commerce that are affiliated to the British Chambers are also affiliated to ICC.

World Chambers Federation
The World Chambers Federation (WCF) is the backbone of the global chamber network leading, connecting and inspiring chambers to benefit real economies and communities, every day, everywhere.
It is the global association for all chambers of commerce worldwide with a network of 12,000 chambers of commerce and acts as the international coordinating body for eCertificates of Origin and eATA Carnets.
Chambers of commerce are an essential and credible intermediary between government, business and the general public. With a history spanning over 400 years, chambers today exist in almost every country and offer a multitude of programmes and services to support trade and development. WCF unites this dynamic network and represents the interests of local, national, regional, bilateral and transnational chambers of commerce and industry worldwide.
ICC's role
ICC provides a voice for business at inter-governmental level championing open, cross border trade, providing the rules and standards for international business and helping companies and States settle international disputes.
At international level, ICC United Kingdom is the Co-Chair of the Legal Reform Advisory Board at the ICC Digital Standards Initiative, the Co-Chair of the B2B Cluster to The Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda and are one of three organisations accredited to the UN Cybercrime Convention negotiations.
We advise government on digital trade policy and delivery and support the All-Party Parliamentary Groups on trade and the UN Global Goals. We are also the largest contributor of arbitrators to the ICC International Court of Arbitration and play a central leadership role at the ICC Banking Commission.
BCC's role - at home and overseas
BCC sits at the heart of a powerful network of 53 Chambers of Commerce across the UK, representing tens of thousands of firms.
It provides a unified voice for these companies, rooted in their communities, at the national government level — with trade a key focus. Each Chamber understands its local economy inside out. It provides the advice, training, documents, support and contacts needed to help any firm export.
The BCC also links its UK network with over 75 international member chambers, connecting businesses to new markets and promoting trade and investment across the globe. It works for a better future for businesses around the world.