ICC OECD Abuse of Dominance and Sustainability Webinar  | 16 October 2024

ICC OECD Abuse of Dominance and Sustainability Webinar | 16 October 2024

In recent years, two critical developments have potentially reshaped the landscape of competition policy: the recognition that competition law may have an important role in combating climate change, and the growing concern over market concentration and increased market power. However, what may be missing is the essential connection between these two developments and the consideration of how abuse of dominance tools can be used to address unsustainable practices by dominant companies.

In this webinar, we will look at this potential gap and ask whether there is the need to bring these two important developments together in a consistent manner. If this is the case, how should sustainability objectives be integrated into competition policy enforcement? Moreover, in the context of recent cases around the world, including collective actions, such as those seen in the UK CAT, how, and to what extent, can abuse of dominance tools be utilized to tackle unsustainable practices by dominant players.

Giorgio Castaldo
Competition Expert, OECD, Paris
Simon Holmes
Chair of the ICC Taskforce on Competition & Sustainability
Vera Pozzato
Senior Case Handler, DG COMP, European Commission
Elise Provost
Senior Case Handler, Autorité de la concurrence
Martijn Snoep
Chairman of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets
Professor Maarten Pieter Schinkel
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Professor Michelle Meagher
Senior Policy Fellow at the UCL Centre for Law, Economics and Society