Certified ICC Incoterms® training
ICC United Kingdom has an Incoterms® Training Board in place to govern the certified training programme for UK businesses. The Board consists of our recognised licensed training providers; Institute of Export (IOE) and Strong & Herd, who have an advanced level of understanding in the practical application of the rules that meet the ICC Incoterms® standards.

Why use an ICC United Kingdom registered trainer on ICC Incoterms® 2020?
Only the IOE and Strong & Herd are officially recognised by the ICC as being registered trainers on Incoterms® 2020 in the United Kingdom.
Being an ICC Registered Trainer means that the trainer has gone through a rigorous selection process, and that – by passing the ICC Academy exam which tests the trainer’s understanding of the new ICC Incoterms® 2020 rules – he/she has a measurable level of expertise that means those taking part in the training can be assured they are getting the best and ICC recognised advice
How do I know if I’m using a registered trainer?
No other training bodies or organisations are officially recognised by the ICC United Kingdom or have been through the ICC Academy exam. This means unless you go through the IOE or Strong & Herd, you might not necessarily be getting the right advice and information so could be putting your business at risk.

What support do the registered trainers receive that I (as a learner) might benefit from?
Only the trainers, through their employment with the IOE and Strong & Herd will get access to the ICC United Kingdom’s technical advisory service. This service is a hotline to help with advanced technical questions relating to Incoterms® and comprises world-leading experts involved in the drafting of ICC Incoterms® 2020. Should you have a technical question that needs consultation from the experts, we are on hand to help provide support to both the trainer and to our members.
This service will be available free of charge for ICC members and licensed training partners only.
How do I view the training courses available and make a booking?
Training courses are being hosted online and across the United Kingdom.
Please visit the below websites to find out more:
Institute of Export: https://www.export.org.uk/page/Incoterms2020
Strong & Herd: http://www.strongandherd.co.uk/incoterms-2020