Once a member of ICC, the main mechanism for engaging with the ICC is through our Commissions & Committees.

ICC Commissions
ICC commissions are member only, international consensus-based forums composed of world business experts from around the ICC network. Commissions provide a vehicle for policy development, rule-making and representing ICC positions at major international institutions.
There are currently 12 commissions that broadly mirror key functions within international companies:
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Banking
- Commercial Law and Practice
- Competition
- Corporate Responsibility & Anticorruption
- Customs & Trade Facilitation
- Digital Economy
- Energy & Environment
- Intellectual Property
- Marketing & Advertising
- Taxation
- Trade & Investment
Generally, commissions meet twice a year, often in conjunction with meetings and major events in the international calendar, organised by the UN or other relevant international institutions. Commissions vary in size and remit with the Banking and Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Commissions being the largest with up to 4-600+ members supported by a wide range of working groups and task forces working on policy issues. UK business experts are drawn from the UK membership and formally nominated to represent the UK by the Secretary General. Commission representatives then input on behalf of the membership and feedback to committees post commission meetings.

ICC Committees
ICC committees are member only, consensus-based forums at national level.
Their purpose is to agree national policy positions, oversee national programmes of action before feeding into ICC commissions. Typically meet twice a year prior to ICC commissions and are made up of 25-40 business experts. They act as focused, decision making forums for all policy activity in the UK. Committees are representative with members rotating on a regular basis.
The UK currently focuses on four:
- Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
- Sustainability
- Trade & Investment (includes Customs & Trade Facilitation)
- Trade Finance
We also cover the following policy areas on an ad hoc basis:
- Commercial Law and Practice
- Competition
- Corporate Responsibility and Anticorruption
- Digital Economy
- Intellectual Property
- Taxation